Saturday, February 03, 2007

Academy Handy Hopup

I thought I would share with readers of this blogg a recent little experiment of mine. For christmas I was given a very cool little toy foam electric airplane (X-Twin Classic-Trainer) with remote control - amazing really that you can get a fully remote control flying toy for less than $40 USD.

However I thought that the foam unit was a bit clunky so I was looking around for an ultralight airframe to repurpose the electronics found in the X-Twin. The other day I was in a model shop and came across the Academy Handy which is really designed to be rubber band powered. I omitted the rubberband in the build and added the engines, controller and battery from the X-Twin to make my Adedemy Handy Hopup.

I have not had a chance to fully test the flight characteristic of this baby yet. But when I do I'll let you know :)

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